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Spanish Institute of Voice

Our main purpose is to deal with the study of the human voice in a scientific way so scholars and professionals feel that they are part of the same community.


Spanish Institute of Voice brings together anyone under the same workspace. Sometimes research groups are disseminated and they have knowledge of each other, but sometimes not, specifically when do not share the same topic of voice research. We would like to integrate under this iniciative not only Spanish people but researchers and professionals all over the world. The Institute will support any kind of collaboration with other institutions, universities, nonprofit associations, academies...


We will offer courses, workshops, events, will help to future scholars to research and will be a tool to promote groups.


The Institute supports Sottovoce, an academic blog hosted in, the platform for academic blogging. Hypotheses offers academic blogs the enhanced visibility of its humanities and social sciences platform. Hypotheses platform is run by Centre for Open Electronic Publishing (Cléo, France), a unit that brings together the CNRS, the EHESS, the Aix-Marseille Université and the Université d’Avignon. Researchers or professionals that would like to publish in an academic blog with an informal and informative way, contact with the Institute.


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